Saturday, August 10, 2013

i am such a shitbag


I want so much to go out to public places and have fun but I am the idiot magnet. I am proud that I contained myself as to not end up in jail today though :)

First as we head down to this shrimp festival it said the parade was at 10am. hm.... traffic is stopped and I see the parade. It started at 930 and all these cars were stuck on the road. So we turned around and parked in a church lot about a half mile out and walked in.

No biggie and glad we weren't sitting on the road for over an hour!!! Watched some of the parade and hooked up with our friends the Moser's.

OK FOLKS... there are clothes to wear and not to wear. We all know the clothes to wear to walmart... washing your car... hanging out in your own home.... the beach.... ok ok... so

I will post the photo in a second. NEON See through shorts --- to her credit she WAS wearing a thong. I missed the money shot when she bent over... I was pissed. Anyway... why to people do this? Wear shit totally out of the box for them? I feel like such a judgmental prick but seriously. I laughed because after thinking about it... really if someone was a bit smaller wearing it, I would have been like honey, we gotta talk. If someone really thin was wearing this well wouldn't we call her a bitch? LOL well no... I actually would still have had the same thought that its TOTALLY not cool to wear even if someone was thin in this.

I really hate seeing peoples panties. Can you tell? I think this is what got me the most. Not the heaviness or the stomach hanging over the front to her thighs (which I just couldn't take that shot)... I did want to ask if she was that girls sister I saw at the DMV!  Honestly.... the fucking underwear??? a THONG??? omg. damn dental floss. OWWWW.

SO... after thinking it out I really could care less myself what she is wearing but it kills me watching other young girls looking at her thinking THIS is ok to do. Oh and yes... that is a grease stain on her right ass cheek.

So moving on.. what is wrong with wearing a shirt? or at least something that FITS? Again... If I posted the front it would have just been like a porn shot. The spillage out he front was disgusting and she kept bending over to tend to some old Qtip sitting in a chair. I did see the nip once and just about died. Paul missed it and was bumming :) The shirt wasn't even about the fat... just the entire idea you would show your nipples through your bikini top that doesn't fit... what don't these people UNDERSTAND???

From here we moved on into this so called shrimp festival.  First though at 11am were the Gator boys... I guess they are some TV gang out of Florida that do shit with gators. Found a place in the shade early and waited. Right before the show starts a mother comes up my left side with her kid. I have no issues with the kid going to the front with all the other kids but lady... you can stay put :) I have not stood here with company for 30 min for you to just walk in. So that being said... she is yelling at this kid-- Samantha Not Sam... Samantha-- saying her name over and over and finally gets her attention. OK Mind you... this kid is ONE person in front of us. Close. So... Mom hands the kid her camera and tells her to take lots of photos.

The show starts and this woman is nudging me every 15 seconds. Her slimy hairy arm is rubbing on mine and there is plenty of room to give each other space, she just doesn't have boundaries. Every 30 seconds she yells, "SAMANTHA, get the pictures, are you taking pictures? TAKE PICTURES" the poor kid is so busy taking pictures I think she missed the show. This mother is yelling this in my ear and I am about to punch her. Then she steps on my foot and elbows me because she "lost her balance". She kept saying, ''soway" like the laziest fucking sorry you could muster up. After the 13th (yes I was counting) 'soway' I had to turn to her and say, " SOWAY isn't going to work next time, Don't touch me again" She didn't know what to say and backed off a little bit. (maybe it was my tone) Still, she kept on torturing her poor kid who couldn't take pictures fast enough and then of course 20 seconds later the show ends.

Now note that I left Scout at home because it is balls hot and I had Paul with me so I figured I would be ok. After that we were on a food hunt. I found some kick ass popcorn and did have one bite of funnel cake while everyone else feasted... OH I did have a bite of a blooming onion but omg soo greasy.

I thought --- the wine tent... that will get rid of my agro self. We go down there and its muscadine wine. ugh... shit... and they didn't have beer!! HAHAHAHA beer and wine tent with no beer. nice.

They advertised gumbo shrimp all week- Tabitha never found it. There were two tents that sold shrimp. Pretty sad.

The rest of this place was a typical junkie fair. A few tents with home made jewelry and soap... some animal rescue tents set up and the military tents like wounded warriors stuff like that. We did our usual 20 dollar donations we do there....

They had pony rides and there was even a camel-- I thought of Sarah in MN and our camel ride!!! However this camel was pissed off and biting its handler so... um... yeah no thanks!!!

Just walking around was annoying as hell with people running into us and not paying attention -- the land of oblivions was just too  much for me.

Of course I am the one who invited the Moser's and we ended up bailing after another hour. I just couldn't take it.

so... what a fun day full of agro bullshit that I brought on myself instead of putting that idiot in a bubble and blowing her away. My own damn fault being hot and miserable.